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Football Legal Management

Our team assists teams in all aspects of their daily activities, including the day-to-day running of a football joint stock company (SAF), the transformation into a SAF, the analysis of contracts, assistance in eliminating possible labor irregularities, analysis of financial statements and assessment of SAF's tax structure, preparation of privacy and personal data protection policies, preparation of contracts for the use of players' images and the assignment of club brands to SAF, review of sponsorship contracts, advice on matters relating to relationships with sports betting operators, notification of operations to CADE, preparation of contracts for leasing the club's training center and stadium, structuring the compliance and money laundering prevention program.

Furthermore, we advise teams in IPO and debt issuance processes, as well as investors and financial institutions operating in this market in operations and negotiations between teams and SAFs throughout the investment process.



Thiago Porto RIbeiro


Paola Carrara De Sambuy Gomes

Paola Carrara De Sambuy Gomes

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