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White Collar

Our Corporate Criminal Law team advises clients in various situations that may lead to criminal issues, specializing in handling complex cases with both advisory and contentious approaches. Our services include monitoring search and seizure procedures and inspections, drafting and adopting criminal measures in favor of victims, including requests to initiate police investigations, filing private criminal actions, and acting as assistant prosecutors, providing guidance in collaboration and negotiation of agreements with competent authorities, legal support during the police phase and in all judicial instances, asset recovery, among other activities.

The team offers customized legal advice covering all types of corporate crimes stipulated in the Brazilian Penal Code and special penal legislation, such as crimes against the National Financial System, Public Administration, Economic and Tax Order, Environment, Consumer Relations, Intellectual Property, Capital Markets, Bankruptcy Crimes, among others.

We work in perfect integration with the firm's other practices, providing a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, and results-focused approach, delivering the most complete and accurate recommendations.



Camila Pepe

Camila Pepe

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