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Capital Markets

Our capital markets team has extensive experience in structuring innovative operations, providing legal advice on regulatory issues with the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) and the Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Markets Entities (ANBIMA), and in public offerings of securities securities via distribution in the capital market (including initial public offerings – IPOs, and operations involving DRs – Depositary Receipts and BDRs – Brazilian Depositary Receipts), debentures (including debentures issued within the scope of the Brazilian Infrastructure Incentive Program), shares of investment funds investment, CRIs and CRAs – Certificates of Real Estate and Agribusiness Receivables, as well as offers registered in ANBIMA's Novo Mercado de Renda Fixa, commercial promissory notes, financial letters, bonds and certificates of deposits. Our operations include the domestic market and international operations, and cover all sectors of the economy and types of companies.

We have extensive experience in matters involving the CVM and ANBIMA, both in the context of public offering registration processes, requests for exemption from requirements, as well as in the accreditation of participants, consultations, and other administrative procedures.

Together with our experts in corporate litigation and criminal law, we work on developing defense strategies within the scope of administrative proceedings brought by the CVM, BSM Supervisão de Mercados, ANBIMA, Brazilian Association of Private Equity and Venture Capital (ABVCAP), Association of Analysts and Capital Market Investment Professionals (APIMEC) and National Association of Stock Brokers (ANCOR).

We also work on the analysis, review and creation of internal policies and manuals for market participants, focusing on structuring corporate governance and internal control, including identifying the need to create barriers to information, segregation of activities and conflicts of interest.

Our experience also includes advising clients (issuers or banks) on the offering of securities in accordance with Rule 144A and Regulation S, of the SEC – Securities and Exchange Commission. The group offers the expertise and capacity of a team with in-depth regulatory knowledge and which has been involved in the most important, challenging, innovative and complex transactions carried out in recent years in Brazil.



Alessandra Zequi

Alessandra Zequi

Bruna Bellotto

Bruna Bellotto

Bruno Gandolfo Damico

Bruno Gandolfo Damico

Daphne Minerbo

Daphne Minerbo

Eduardo Pereira

Eduardo Pereira

Frederico Moura

Frederico Moura

Henrique Bonjardim Filizzola

Henrique Bonjardim Filizzola

Laercio Munechika

Laercio Munechika

Marco Aurelio Rabenhorst Saliba

Marco Aurelio Rabenhorst Saliba

Marcos Canecchio Ribeiro

Marcos Canecchio Ribeiro

Thadeu Buarque Bretas

Thadeu Buarque Bretas

Victor Manso

Victor Manso

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