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Investment Funds

With the aim of better guiding our clients to face the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves in the funds industry, we have a team specially dedicated to serving shareholders, fiduciary administrators, resource managers, custodians, bookkeepers, specialized consultants and other providers services.

Our team has complementary experiences, closely monitors transformations and innovations that may impact the industry, actively participates in regulatory discussions in the sector, and has members with experience at the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) and the Brazilian Association of Financial and Financial Market Entities. of Capital (ANBIMA).

Our practice includes legal advice related to the most varied regulatory issues faced in the day-to-day life of investment funds, in particular related to compliance with the rules and guidelines issued by the CVM, ANBIMA and the Brazilian Association of Private Equity and Venture Capital (ABVCAP) .

We also have extensive experience in structuring various types of investment funds, including Equity Investment Funds – FIPs, Credit Rights Investment Funds – FIDCs, Real Estate Investment Funds – FIIs, Infrastructure Investment Funds – FI-Infra, and other investment funds regulated by CVM Instruction No. 555/14 (such as fixed income funds, multimarket funds, equity funds, funds of funds – FICs), among others.

We advise our clients throughout the structuring process, including initial discussions about the type of fund, its tax aspects, its governance and management structure, preparation and review of relevant documents and monitoring the entire process of registering the fund with the CVM.

We also work with a preventive focus on improving governance and compliance structures, work developed in coordination with our corporate criminal area when it involves money laundering prevention policies and covers the analysis, review and individualized and specialized creation of internal policies and manuals , including identifying the need to develop barriers to information, segregation of activities and conflicts of interest.

Additionally, we provide assistance in relationships with regulatory and self-regulatory bodies, especially in preparing responses and monitoring supervisory procedures and administrative processes.

Together with our litigation specialists, we also work to develop quick and robust strategies to ensure rights and defend the interests of our clients in the civil and administrative spheres.



Eduardo Pereira

Eduardo Pereira

Laercio Munechika

Laercio Munechika

Marcos Canecchio Ribeiro

Marcos Canecchio Ribeiro

Raphael Niemeyer

Raphael Niemeyer

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