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Consumer Law and Product Liability

We advise our clients in both the prevention and resolution of disputes involving consumer law. Our professionals have extensive experience with consumer protection bodies and entities (Procon, Public Ministry, National Consumer Secretariat of the Ministry of Justice, Consumer Police Stations) and have been working since the approval of the Consumer Protection Code (Law nº 8,078/1990), in the elaboration of institutional policies and operational manuals, in assisting in the implementation of call centers and customer service services, in the qualification and training of customers and their employees dedicated to customer service, in the structuring and drafting contracts, reviewing advertising campaigns, conducting recalls, etc.

Furthermore, our professionals have extensive experience in conducting administrative and judicial processes involving consumer rights, including public civil actions and actions to challenge sanctions imposed by consumer protection bodies.



Luis Guilherme Aidar Bondioli

Luis Guilherme Aidar Bondioli

Rafael De Carvalho Passaro

Rafael De Carvalho Passaro

Wilson de Mello Neto

Wilson de Mello Neto

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