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Banking and Finance

We advise local and international financial institutions, credit agencies and Brazilian and foreign companies in all forms of domestic or international bank financing, whether in corporate credit operations or in highly structured transactions, including project financing. We actively participate in the formatting and negotiation of all necessary documents, including loan agreements, Bank Credit Certificates and other securities, guarantee agreements and other forms of credit support, and intercreditor agreements.

Our team has specific experience in trade finance operations, such as prepayment of exports, including in relation to all relevant exchange rate and regulatory aspects, and in structuring the guarantees commonly used in this type of financing, including rural pledge, industrial pledge and guarantees on land, receivables and other assets.

We also actively participate in international transactions involving the adhesion of Brazilian companies as guarantors to credit lines obtained by their controlling companies abroad, including in the structuring and negotiation of possible real guarantees.

Furthermore, our banking law team has specific knowledge and experience in derivative contracts, whether in structuring and negotiating specific transactions or in formatting Global Derivative Contracts – CGD models. Our practice covers derivatives backed by the most diverse assets, including shares, commodities or financial and exchange indices.

We also work on structuring and negotiating credit insurance and other forms of credit support.

Finally, our team has a prominent role with the Central Bank of Brazil, both in representation in authorization and transfer of control processes, and in providing advice and consultancy to financial institutions and other agents in relation to compliance with standards, including exchange rate regulation, assisting our clients in structuring and modeling transactions in light of such regulations or analyzing specific regulatory issues.



Bernardo Kruel de Souza Lima

Bernardo Kruel de Souza Lima

Bruno Gandolfo Damico

Bruno Gandolfo Damico

Eduardo Pereira

Eduardo Pereira

Frederico Moura

Frederico Moura

Guilherme Forbes

Guilherme Forbes

Henrique Bonjardim Filizzola

Henrique Bonjardim Filizzola

Laercio Munechika

Laercio Munechika

Marco Aurelio Rabenhorst Saliba

Marco Aurelio Rabenhorst Saliba

Marcos Canecchio Ribeiro

Marcos Canecchio Ribeiro

Thadeu Buarque Bretas

Thadeu Buarque Bretas

Victor Manso

Victor Manso

Yves Dutra

Yves Dutra

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