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Public Law

We are recognized for our vast experience and knowledge of the most complex topics involving Administrative Law and Public Administration entities, especially in the analysis of the applicability of public law rules; in interaction with public bodies at federal, state and municipal levels to obtain public acts authorizing economic activities; in defending the interests of private agents in administrative sanctioning processes and; Together with our experts in regulated sectors, we work to conduct processes with the main regulatory agencies.

We also have a solid track record of participation in the main concessions, PPPs and privatization processes carried out in Brazil, as well as supporting clients in bidding processes and contractual management for the execution of works and supply of goods and services.

In particular, we provide advice to our clients in the development of projects with the public sector in all their phases, from participation in Expression of Interest Processes (assisting in the legal structuring of projects and drafting terms of reference, contracts and other relevant instruments ), including monitoring and representation at public hearings and consultations, supporting participation in bidding processes (providing the necessary support to formally comply with the bidding requirements for participation in the event) and, after the auction, to comply with the requirements necessary for the celebration of the respective contracts.

We assist our clients in structuring the special purpose companies that will enter into contracts, particularly in the case of concessions and PPPs, and we monitor the management of the contract until its termination.



Mariana Saragoça

Mariana Saragoça

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